Which course is right for me?

Here is a list of what we cover in our 6 week tango courses. 

If you're unsure which course is right for you, please email us at info@simplytango.co.uk.

Tango Fundamentals 1

Tango Fundamentals 1 takes you from your very first steps in tango to being competent in simple step combinations such as the ocho cortado, the forward and backward ocho and the cross step.

We assume no dance knowledge whatsoever for this course. At the same time as showing you steps we continually work to develop your tango posture and the quality of your connection with your partner.

By the end of the 6 weeks we will have covered:

  • Standing and walking alone
  • Connecting your movements with a partner in the practice embrace
  • Change of weight
  • Walking together
  • Side step
  • Coming to a stop
  • Dancing in the open embrace
  • Rock step and change of direction
  • Ocho cortado
  • Forward ocho
  • Change of foot
  • Walking in cross system
  • Cross step
  • Backward ocho

The moves are taught sequentially, but every step involves skills from other weeks and a continuing focus on posture and technique.

Visit our bookings page to check the start dates for the next course, or email us at info@simplytango.co.uk if you have any questions.

Tango Fundamentals 2

Tango Fundamentals 2 is for recent beginners and is designed to prepare you to dance socially. 

We revise the steps from Fundamentals 1 and build on them each week, refining technique and fluency and adding new steps and variations, including the giro, the parada and walking in the cross system.

We spend one class on tango vals (waltz) music, and one class on an introduction to milonga music. We also introduce close embrace and elements of tango etiquette such as good floorcraft, using the cabaceo, and the leader's cabaceo.

By the end of Fundamentals 2 you will have been introduced to:

  • Dancing in close embrace
  • The giro
  • Walking in the cross system
  • The parada
  • The pasada
  • The mirada and cabaceo as an invitation to dance
  • The leader's cabaceo
  • Making progression in the ronda
  • Dancing to vals music
  • Dancing to milonga music
  • An introduction to close embrace
  • Choosing when to use disassociation.

Tango Improvers

In Tango Improvers we increase the complexity of the steps and put more emphasis on technique, musicality and floorcraft. If you are familiar with the moves and concepts we teach in the two Tango Fundamentals courses then you are welcome to join our Improvers course.

We have 18 weeks of classes for Improvers that we teach in 6 week blocks. You are welcome to join at the start of any 6 week block. During the 18 weeks we will teach you a range of more complex techniques including sacadas, barridas, ganchos, boleos, volcadas, colgadas and the calesita. However, every week we will continue to work on your connection, walk and pivots so that your entire tango dance continues to improve. At this level we also put more emphasis on close embrace, but always give the option to dance in open embrace if you prefer. We continue to teach milonga and vals alongside tango, typically spending 1 class out of 6 on milonga and 1 on vals.

Visit our courses page to check the start dates for the next course, email us at info@simplytango.co.uk if you have any questions, or book your place on our next course.


In the intermediate class we teach a different combination of steps each week. They are designed to be useful for you in social dancing at milongas, and also to develop your balance, posture and technique.


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